Monday, August 25, 2014


Do you have a drink that you are addicted to?  You know, that go to drink that you can't live without?  Is it doing you more harm than good?  If you answered yes to this last question, then we have some good news for you!  You CAN have an addictive drink that makes you feel good!  Are you addicted to soda or some sort of coffee drink that costs you $4.00 per day ($120.00 per month)?  Are you addicted to a drink that you drink several times a day and you KNOW it's not healthy for you?  Are you addicted to caffeine AND not sleeping well?  Read on, my friend, we CAN help you right now!

1.  Everyone NEEDS an addictive drink or 2 or 3 but we need to be smart about it.
2.  Think natural.  Plain tea with no sugar is a great place to start.  I'm pretty caffeine sensitive at my age, so I opt for caffeine free when I can, or only drink tea caffeine up until lunch.  If you like something in your tea, think honey, cinnamon and/or fruit.  When you brew tea yourself, you can put honey in the pitcher before brewing and put cinnamon and fruit in with the tea bag.  Try several different combinations and post them to our Facebook page, and let us see how you are enjoying your tea!  Plain coffee is another great addictive drink - not 5 cups, but a cup or 2 a day is great!  My grandmother has always advised me that coffee is great for the memory.  She was so excited when she found out that I drink coffee!  But, be careful.  If you get those fancy full-of-sugar coffees, they can ruin your calorie count for the day!  Do you think you don't like plain coffee?  We'll have a blog later this week about retraining your taste buds, so don't worry.  
3.  Water - what's better than water or water with fruit in it?  There are so many possibilities.  Anything citrus is great to put in water - orange, lemon, lime or grapefruit slices.  Also, you could make berry water with strawberries, cranberries, and/or blueberries.  Berry water is even more flavorful when you slightly squeeze the berries as you are adding them to your water.  This brings out the flavor quick.  Plus, you can snack on the berries as they fall into your mouth while you are drinking!
4.  If you are addicted to any drinks that have lots of calories, sugar or artificial sweetner, I am going to challenge you to change your drink of choice.  It can mean the difference in the way you feel, losing unwanted weight and the over all health of you.

Let us  know if you have any suggestions or questions and stay tuned for more blogging later this week!
Cara Perkins

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