Thursday, September 12, 2013

What in the world am I thinking?

This is my very first blog.  The title explains exactly what I'm thinking right this moment as we speak, I mean, blog.  Let me introduce myself.  My name is Cara and I am a 43 year old wife and mother of 2 teenagers.  Yes, they are both teenagers right now!  Jordan is 19 and Jared is 13, so, if you are a math person, you are realizing that one is finishing his teen years while the other is just beginning...take from that what you might, but it might just explain part of my crazy thinking brain!  Long, long ago, when my first son was born, I decided that my kids would have all the tools they needed to live the healthiest possible lifestyle in an everyday, easy, not having to worry kind of way.  My husband and I each have health issues in our families.  In my research, I found out two things.  1.  Most of the health challenges my children could possibly face could be controlled by a healthy eating lifestyle.  2.  If people know how to cook, they stand a better chance of being healthy.  That's all I needed to know!  TEACH THEM HOW TO COOK!!!  Sounds easy, right?  Well, some of you are probably thinking, "that's crazy!"  Stick with me...don't stop reading...if you are a person who eats, chances are you and I will get along great!  I began doing more research on how kids are typically fed vs. how they need to be fed to get the most out of life.  It saddens me when I see folks who are struggling with their weight and now have kids who are struggling.  This is both an easy and difficult to overcome.  It all starts with a mindset.  Habits are what get us to where we are each day.  For example, you weren't born drinking diet sodas, however, if you find yourself addicted, realize that the addiction started to form one day and now you have a chance to form a replacement addiction.  If your kids are constantly snacking on the wrong stuff, there is time to make a new habit.  The word "NO" goes a long way, trust me;).  Don't worry about being the bad guy.  It will all pay off when your kids are 30, 40, & 50 years old and still getting a clean bill of health.  One of my "lectures" is called, "It All Starts in Your Cart."  Think about that.  The grocery store is one of my favorite places on Earth.  When I go, it's not just to shop, it's to research.  I research food, food labels, and people.  Next time you go to the store, notice what people have in their carts.  Don't take this harshly, but, usually what they have in their cart matches their body type.  If you are struggling with your weight, think about what you put in your cart.  Is it mostly processed food, cookies and chips?  Will your kids throw a fit if you don't take them down the junk food aisle?  Do you spend more time on the aisles or along the perimeter of the store?  The grocery store is a GREAT place to start if you want to change habits.  Stick to the perimeter of the store as much as possible.  That's where you'll find the freshest foods AND you will save lots of time not going down every single aisle.  Spend the majority of your time in the produce department.  If this is foreign territory to your kids, it's time to give them a thorough tour.  My hope is to spread knowledge to others.  Through my years and years of trial and error, I've developed quite a few strategies in getting kids and us that are no longer of the kid age, on track to have a better quality of life by changing habits and eating deliciously without missing processed foods.  I am the owner of the business, Healthy Now...Healthy Later.  We are constantly hearing from folks who are taking our ideas and building better lives for their whole families.  Where can you find me?  All over the Dallas/Fort Worth, TX area, all over the web, and all over the world on (Fishbowl Radio Network) every Wednesday 11:00am-1:00pm central time in the Talk Bowl.  We are reaching out to everyone who eats!  We want to make a difference and have fun!  JOIN US PLEASE, and let me know if you have any questions or ideas to share with the class!
Here are the specific places you can find us on the web...
Twitter - caraperkinshnhl
Pinterest - caraperkinshnhl
Instagram - caraperkinshnhl
Youtube - caraperkinshnhl

I look forward to hearing from you...until then...stay heathy :)

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